Din sökning på "swedish" gav 23698 sökträffar
The law professor who wants to put nature above the law
By ellen [dot] albertsdottir [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Ellen Albertsdóttir) - published 5 April 2023 When Han Somsen recommended to limit the free outdoor movement of cats based on the EU’s Birds Directive and Habitats Directive it resulted in what can be described as a perfect storm. Photo: Andrzej Puchta/ Shutterstock Han Somsen has newly been appointed professor in environmental law at the Fa
https://www.staff.lu.se/article/law-professor-who-wants-put-nature-above-law - 2025-03-18
Study shows that the Piezo1 ion channel plays an important role in insulin secretion
By petra [dot] olsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Petra Olsson) - published 11 October 2022 Enming Zhang is measuring insulin secretion in islets of Langerhans from healthy human donors where the expression of Piezo1 has been blocked. Photo: Petra Olsson Impaired insulin secretion is closely associated with type 2 diabetes, but the process is not yet fully understood. A new study by researchers at
https://www.medicine.lu.se/article/study-shows-piezo1-ion-channel-plays-important-role-insulin-secretion - 2025-03-19
Important testimonies digitised
Published 20 March 2017 The Ravensbrück archive at the University Library is unique in the world. Nowhere else is there a collection of 500 testimonies from concentration camp survivors, recorded so soon after their terrible ordeal. Now, their stories from Ravensbrück will be made available in digital form, so that anyone can search the archive. Drawings. Several of the women imprisoned at Ravensb
https://www.staff.lu.se/article/important-testimonies-digitised - 2025-03-19
Children’s songs – a link to one’s inner self and to others
By bodil [dot] malmstrom [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Bodil Malmström) - published 26 October 2022 The song and the opportunity to learn a musical instrument improves language learning, reading skills, concentration and attention in children. Photo: iStockphoto Singing can be a real health boost. Song involves your emotions, thoughts and body; the feelgood hormone oxytocin surges and the stress hor
https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/childrens-songs-link-ones-inner-self-and-others - 2025-03-19
Fast fashion has a huge impact on the environment
By bodil [dot] malmstrom [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Bodil Malmström) - published 14 June 2022 Is it possible to combine an interest in fashion and at the same time choose sustainable and ethical choices when shopping for clothes? Photo: iStockphoto On-trend clothes that you only wear a few times – in the beginning of the 2000s the fashion industry started speeding up production. Today, it account
https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/fast-fashion-has-huge-impact-environment - 2025-03-19
Incentives to care for health equity
By marie [dot] pihl [at] nek [dot] lu [dot] se (Marie Pihl) - published 29 May 2024 A key goal of public health systems is to reduce existing socioeconomic disparities in health. Photo: Kennet Ruona A key goal of public health systems is to reduce existing socioeconomic disparities in health. Yet, the economic incentives facing healthcare providers sometimes work in the other direction. Specifical
https://www.lusem.lu.se/article/incentives-care-health-equity - 2025-03-18
The Impact of Maternity Ward Closures on Maternal and Neonatal Health
Climate Change - from knowledge to politics: How do we reach the 1.5 degree goal?
EUGLOH Week – internationalisation and exchange at home
More effective management and prevention of disciplinary cases
Published 7 September 2022 The Disciplinary Board, of which I am the chair and Pro Vice-Chancellor Jimmie Kristensson is deputy chair, has had a tough schedule over the past year with many cases and frequent meetings. However, it now seems that we are finally catching up and can shorten the time it takes to process cases, as well as waiting times for reported students. Jimmie and I have begun to l
https://www.staff.lu.se/article/more-effective-management-and-prevention-disciplinary-cases - 2025-03-18
New work environment coordinator focused on student work environment
By federica [dot] savino [at] stu [dot] lu [dot] se (Federica Savino) - published 3 October 2022 There has been a new role at the University since August, a work environment coordinator who focuses on the work environment of students. The new work environment coordinator is based at the Student Health Centre, as part of Student Affairs, with the mission to provide a node for support and coordinati
https://www.staff.lu.se/article/new-work-environment-coordinator-focused-student-work-environment - 2025-03-18
New research initiative will address environmental problems of the Baltic Sea region Hanö Bay
LU saved a record amount of energy
Olof Karis becomes Director for MAX IV
Improve your research presentation skills and participate in this year’s Researchers’ Grand Prix
By noomi [dot] egan [at] fsi [dot] lu [dot] se (Noomi Egan) - published 29 January 2024 Sofie Mohlin, associate professor at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund won the national Forskar Grand Prix competition in 2023 Do you want to be better at summing up what is important about your research and receive help and support to present your results? If so, perhaps you would like to take part in
Most understandable research presentation – Researchers’ Grand Prix Digital 2023
By agata [dot] garpenlind [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Agata Garpenlind) - published 16 June 2023 In the Researchers’ Grand Prix, researchers compete to present their research in the most understandable, captivating, and inspiring way in just 4 minutes. Last day for application is August 1. Researchers’ Grand Prix Digital is the Researchers’ Grand Prix (Forskar Grand Prix) online heat and is taking
https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/most-understandable-research-presentation-researchers-grand-prix-digital-2023 - 2025-03-18
Research for sustainability
SweDev’s first PhD Conference: "A Space for Critical and Dynamic Discussion"
Jobbsprånget: Internship program for foreign graduates
By sara [dot] liedholm [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Sara Liedholm) - published 5 December 2023 Rémy Ghalayini CTO at Globhe about Jobbsprånget Are you a manager and want to bring competence into your team? Now you have the opportunity to offer foreign academics a four-month internship completely free of charge. The application period starts on 16 December. Jobbsprånget is a four-month internship pr
https://www.intramed.lu.se/en/article/jobbspranget-internship-program-foreign-graduates - 2025-03-19